During our door to door surveys in different low income areas and communities, we tried to understand the cause of failure in achieving quality education. We agree that while enrollment is approaching near 100%, quality of education is far from  desired. Failure of Government schools in delivering quality education forced parents to shift their children to what we call affordable private schools. Whereas, affordable private schools are large in number and are catering to the need of education of parents from lower income group by at least providing a child-minding facility where they can leave their young ones when they go to earn their bread.  But when it come to output and education, both are of poor quality.  These schools lack  basic facilities and have untrained teachers that can be hired at low cost. Paying for good teachers, better infrastructure and adopting innovative teaching methods need investment and mindset shift of the private school operator/owner. In our surveys, we also found that most of the school owners do not  have the level of understanding of modern teaching techniques and child psychology. They see these school merely as a source of income with minimal investment and attaining benefit of RTE money.